Which District Are You? Friend or Foe? HG Take this quiz to find out which district you belong in, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. HungerGamesLover published on April 14, 2013 Stacked 1/11 Favorite place to be. Home Woods Kitchen Bed Bedroom Outside Store Shopping Water Swimming Playing on the computer With animals Working 2/11 Favorite thing to do in your free time. Cook Read Swim Shop Practice knife throwing Nothing Sleep Listen to music Play Exercise Climb trees Hunt Shoot bows 3/11 What is your personality? Snobby Loser Strong Proud Full of yourself Kind Patient Trustworthy Loving Vicious Mean Arrogant Idiotic 4/11 Favorite food? Cheese Soup Salad Wild dog Turkey Chicken Whatever is edible Tree bark Strawberries Fruit Fish Squirrel Bread 5/11 Your opinion on the Captiol No Yes Um... YEA NO NO NO I absolutely love them Sorta like them In the middle Down with the Captiol! Blow them to pieces Kill them all Love them Wanna live there 6/11 What is your favorite color? Red Blue Orange Green Yellow Brown Black Anything bright Purple White Burgundy Light blue Spring green 7/11 If in the arena, what would you do? RUN!!!! Kill, kill and more killing. Run straight for cover Head straight to the trees Develop a strategy before the gong goes off Head straight to the weapons Find water and head for high ground Use some logic Grab what I can and run Kill on contact Manipulate and defy the Capitol Hide until the top 5 Kill in most inhumane way possible 8/11 What type of pet do you prefer? Dog Cat Goat Lizard Parrot Gerbil Don't like animals Rat Bunny No time for a pet Ferret Fish Hamster 9/11 Weather choice? Sun Rain Hot Humid Warm and rainy Cool Freezing Snowy Misty Cold Foggy Cool and rainy Rainbowie 10/11 What's your choice of weapons? Knife Bow and arrows Sword Spear Anything that causes pain Trident Electricity Clubs Maces Fists Rocks Pointy sticks Fire 11/11 How would you react to being a tribute? Cry Break stuff Be proud Happy Sad Nervous Throwing up Run Tune it out Cry privately Cheer Whoop and holler Yell "I VOLUNTEER"