mavin. wait who?! a quiz i really! wanted to do, prepare to get confused and to not to know what happening. blueshadow published on April 11, 2013 Stacked 1/7 what skin would you wear in minecratf? creeper banjo either 2/7 how to you feel about soggy bread? not really sure i hate it best prank ever 3/7 what would you do if a house was set on fire in minecraft? that was me i would chase them both, i don't know! 4/7 what you do when you die in a game? i rage quit i make weird noises a little bit of both 5/7 what do you like to say? mark nutt! f*** you depends on how i feel 6/7 do you play with others well? no way! yep sometimes i do, sometimes i don't 7/7 what would you say about two lagging creepers mom,dad? hug them and then run away. i wouldn't go near them.