Which Animal Would Best Suit Your Personality? Find out which animal would suit your personality in just a few questions! It is easy! taylor.dupea published on April 10, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Others consider you: fun-loving a loner overly-critical cynical (distrusting) free-spirited stubborn 2/5 You would love to live/be at/in the: woods rain forests mountains open/wild tundra/forest/wood/anywhere water 3/5 You consider yourself: grumpy caring lazy playful independant mysterious 4/5 Which one fits you best? sometimes on the cranky side a rebel big heart often misunderstood grumpy and hardworking full of compassion 5/5 You want/have/like friends who: love you for the right reasons are there when you are alone and seek for them respect you love you always find something to smile at treat you with love and respect