Do you get the most out of sleep take the quiz to figure out if you get the most out of sleep. Also get some tips to get more out of sleep bsalber published on April 10, 2013 Stacked 1/5 how much sleep do you get a night less than 6 hours about 6 between 6 and 8 8 or more 2/5 how long before bed do you eat dinner? less than an hour about 2 hours about 3 hours over 3 hours 3/5 what do you do about an hour before bed read, take a hot shower, listen to relaxing music take a hot shower, go on facebook electronics, tv etc watch tv until I pass out 4/5 how many times do you hit the snooze button before you wake up zero one two more than two 5/5 what is your room like at night? not very dark, loud, and uncomfortable temperature kind of dark, sort of loud, and sometimes the temperature is uncomfortable pretty dark, sometimes loud, and every now and again the temperature is uncomfortable always dark, almost never loud, and my room is always the right temperature.