would you be a good friend for me? I want to know if anybody else is kinda like me in music or any other way? Assassin published on April 06, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What is your favorite type of movie? scary romantic Adventure Action 2/10 What is your favorite color? red blue green pink black white different 3/10 Who is your favorite singer? Usher JB One Direction Different singers from choices 4/10 What type of Clothes do you usally wear? Country depends on my mood Cute Dark clothes 5/10 What is your favorite animal? cat dog horse bird Different 6/10 is this fun? yes no is this over yet! 7/10 What is your favorite food? Tacos French Fries Cake Ice Cream Hambugers anytype of meat really Im a vegetarian pie Pizza 8/10 What do you do in your free time? write read play vidoe games hang out with my friends sit at home doing nothing watch movies party 9/10 What type of sports do you play? none volleyball football basketball baseball 10/10 Do you play sports? yes no