Which one of my pets are you This is a quiz about which one of my pets you would be most like. (I think most people will get my cat Coco... RozenChara111 published on April 04, 2013 Stacked 1/5 The door is opened, what do you do? Ummm.... should I go out??? YUPPPP!!! GOTTA GO! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE! Mehh... To far 2/5 What would you be thinking once someone taken you away Hey *shiver* don't take *shiver* me NO YOU DIDN'T GIRL! .... Are we going to the store? I wouldn't notice 3/5 Choose a number 1 because it only takes a second to draw 124665432234567654321 because i said so 124665432234567654320 uhhh.. 24? (me: 25!!!!) 4/5 What color would describe you RAINBOWS!!! whaa, Purple I guess, now let me sleeeppp White Yellow!!! Color of a taco! 5/5 night time Already sleeping NOOOO!!! kay... okay! Sleeping on someones head!