are you a good friend? (3)

are you a good friend? (3)

are you a bossy mean girl or boy or a nice friendly. Are you nice to your firends are mean thay don't whant to be a round you. Take this qwiz and find out!!!

published on April 01, 201340 responses 14
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do you hang with your bffs all the time?

do you hang with your bffs all the time?

do your friends hang with you at school and home when they have time?

no :(
ya all the time :)

if your friend moves away what would you do?

nothing just say bye and move on
ask for there new phone number and address so you can still hang out

you get in a fight whit your friend and she does not talk to you for a week what do you do?

say sorry and let her/him forgive you when they feel happy again
say it all there falt and dont't say sorry

you get a candy and you only have one and you have two friends that helpt you pay for it what do you do?

give your friends the two pices
say no and eat the candy all bye your self

do you have bffs
