Which Angela Anaconda Character Are You? Which Angela Anaconda character are you? This quiz is just for fun, with over 8 options of people to get. Nekohime published on April 01, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Describe Your Hair. Always Styled. Natural. Always Natural. Looong. Short. Got this awesome hair do' Accessorized ! It's boring >:( It's got too much going on !!! 2/10 Opinion on school? Boring. Important. As long as my friends are with me it's all good. I don't like it but I'm grateful for having an education !! Me and the teachers are on good terms so it's great. I don't hate it, but I don't like it either. An excuse to be cheeky and a nuisance ! Silly. I don't bother going. 3/10 It's Spring !!! (what would you think if I told you that?) Flowers and Love <3333 Hello - Hay Fever? WHAT? I gotta get new clothes !! I don't care what season it is really .. YES! It's almost Summer !!!! Spring? I love Spring !!! Great .. the month where girls wear weird clothes .. Yay. More fooood ... 4/10 Pick a colour. Pink. Black. Yellow. Orange. Blue. White. Brown. Green. 5/10 What Clothes Do You Wear? Whatevers in style. Whatevers Comfy. Whatever fits my big tummy :( Whatever looks best on me! Whatever looks rare and expensive - I don't do cheap. It has to be clean. HAS TO !!! I rarely change my clothes so --- Other. 6/10 Speaking friends; how many do you have? Not many, but we're close. Lots. FrenEMIES? Lots. Friends? Not many. I've got my group. I'm friends with EVERYBODY. Ugh People .. I got one or two BFF's None. 7/10 Angela Anaconda. What do you think of her? She's awesome! Who's that? Ugh. How about no? I would so be her best friend. She's got an imaginative mind !! She's always in trouble !! She's pretty. She's so nice and kind !! 8/10 Fave food? Unhealthy things. (sweets, fast food etc.) Whatevers less fat and works well with my body. Very classy. (Lobster, cavier, etc.) Salad. I love all food. Ice cream !!!! Pizza definitely. No meat. Only Greens. 9/10 Describe your house. Mansion. I hate it :( Small but homey. Just an apartment. Big, but not BIG-BIG. TINY. Not perfect. But I'm happy for what I've got. My home/house is always changing. 10/10 Fave type of movie. Peaceful with a happy storyline. Romance. Horror. Comedy. I don't watch movies. Documentries I love all movies. Nothing too extreme, but nothing too boring !!