Would I date you ( boys only) sorry girls Take the quiz and see if I would date you ( I was bored), maybe I will, maybe I won't :) StarCatch16 published on March 27, 2013 Stacked 1/11 What is you favorite pass time?? Read and write Go to the movies Listening to music Going to the mall Playing video games Sports Other 2/11 What are you??? ( I know odd question) Emo Jock Preppy Shy Punk Nerd Other Hipster 3/11 Favorite Music!! This is an important question Punk Rap Rock Gothic Metal Alternative Pop R&B Country Other 4/11 I do not play sports is that ok?? That's fine, I don't either Ew no way sports are my life Not a problem I don't care No that's a problem Sorry..no 5/11 What's You favorite Color?? Red/Black Bright colorsOther Dark Colors Metalic Colors Neon colors Rainbow Other 6/11 How old are you?? 16-18 13-15 7/11 Do you judge a girl by their personality or looks??? Personality Looks 8/11 I love anime is that a problem??? Really?? I love it to!! Weirdo Not a problem Cool Uh no way What is anime?? 9/11 Rate? Yes Uh no Maybe Sure why not? Yea right Hell no! 10/11 What is your personality?? shy, caring, fun, artistic( in a way), protective not sure how I would describe myself sweet, loyal, understanding funny, cool, compationate I'm great who wouldn't want to date me none of the above 11/11 What type of girl do you like?? Shy, a bit nerdy but really nice and fun once you get to know them! Really girly likes to shoping, makeup, clothing and all other girly things. Crazy, wild full of life but still somehow down to earth Total Gamer, likes video games with a passion but loves you more than her games!! Sporty girls( like really sporty) sports is like everything to her. Total book worms, work, work, work!!