Would i date you? (5) I have taken probably a million of these quizzes and i decided to make one for myself to see how many people would date me so...yep... ENJOY!! tacosforme published on March 21, 2013 Stacked 1/10 Do you think im pretty from my pictures on my profile? No!! Eww your gross (me:go away meany head!!!) Damn Gurl!!! you are smokin hot!! (me: awww Blushes) Ehh your ok... Yer purdy!! 2/10 Again do you think im pretty?! YES!! the most beautiful person in the world!!!! No not really.. A little... 3/10 are you just hunting for another girls to have "relations" with and them run off Damn straight! Nah... Well, kinda but i do want a girlfriend too... NO!!!! i would never do that to a girl! EVER!!!! 4/10 I like food, i not fat but im not like supermodel skinny either, Are you ok with that? No! you need to lose some weight, like eat a salad every once in a while!! (me: I do! I ate one last night!! "Sobs in a corner while stuffing candy bars i... I don't care, I'm man enough that it doesn't matter if your not a size three..:) You sound alright as long as your not morbidly obese 5/10 What are your favorite colors? Black Purple Green blue pink 6/10 What music do you listen to? One direction Asking alexandria Justin beiber I wrestled a bear once Hanner Montaner 7/10 Do you like spongebob? EWWWW! that show make me want to vomit every time i see it! Sometimes, i mean its alright... I LOVE IT!!!! best show in the world!!! 8/10 what do you do in your free time? Chill with my mom (Me:WHAT!? I do that all the time!) Drugs (me: go get a life! Ain't nobody got time fo dat!!) What normal law obiding teenagers do, hang out with friends, sleep, eat, hug my mom, go to school, You know, Stuff... 9/10 Do you like to cuddle? Yesh!!! My favorite pass time! Nah, i like my personal space kinda, but not all the time just at special moments 10/10 I hate steroetypes but which one do you cnsider yourself or have been called? Prep Emo Country jock