when are you going to have your first period quiz Find out when are you gi to get your period. So you be perprade for your first period bekka2002 published on March 19, 2013 Stacked 1/7 How old are you? 9-10 10-11 12 2/7 How old was your mom when she got her first period? 10-11 11-12 13 3/7 Do you have white goo/ viginal discharge? Yes No So much i have to wear liners 4/7 Do you have hair down there? Yes No A little bit All over the area 5/7 Are your boobs growing? Flat Round Full Were bra size aa or bb 6/7 How old were you when u had your first boyfriend? Toddler age Teen age 7/7 Last question what do u like the most? Cloths Childern Shopping