What is Your Theme Song? What is your personality based off your personality and whatnot? (Result genres are alternative rock, post-hardcore, metal-core, and dubstep.) Dresden published on March 14, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Choose a word: Love. Broken. Beaten. Fun. 2/8 What do you think your result will be? A song about a broken family. :/ A song about heartbreak. </3 A song about abuse. ;~; An exciting, energetic song. ^__^ 3/8 Which best describes your life? A lot of heartbreak. </3 A broken home/family. Abuse. (Verbal, emotional, or physical.) None of these! :D 4/8 If you could have a super power, which would it be? Invisibility Change my appearance at will. Read minds. Fly!! :'D 5/8 Choose a colour: Black Red Blue Any BRIGHT, electrifying colour! 6/8 What is your confidence level? Very, very low. .-. Very high!!! So-so Not the best... 7/8 Choose a genre from this list: Post-hardcore! ("Pop-metal") Metalcore! ("Screamo") Alternative Rock! Dubstep! (Techno/Pop) 8/8 Which pet would you prefer? Hedgehog. ^^ Doggie. c: Kitty cat. =^_^= Lizard. O-O