are you my type take this quiz to find out if we are made for each other. saw my friend emohardpunk did this so i figured i would to emoteardrop published on March 10, 2013 Stacked 1/10 do you think emo boys are cute duhh some of them like you =) no 2/10 do you want to date me nooo! i only took this for fun it depends..i have to get to know you first 3/10 do you think this is! you ugly your hot you are ok i guess 4/10 whats your favorite sport basketball soccor football (im a girl so i mean i like just watching it) tennis cheerleading other 5/10 how many kids do you want 1 or 2 none i hate kids 3 or 4 other 6/10 are you emo no yes idk 7/10 what do you hope you get a yes a no (me:aww you made me cry jk) 8/10 where is your favorite place to go for a date beach movies the park out to eat other 9/10 choose one mustache emo hiii!! i like cheese 10/10 what do you want to be when you grow up writter or a vetanerian actor or actress police woman or nurse/doctor other