Which phineas and ferb character are you??? :)

Which phineas and ferb character are you??? :)

Well the title speaks for itself, if you enjoy this quiz then follow me or favourite the quiz! *disclaimer* i dont own any of the characters in this quiz.

published on March 10, 2013

What in your mind would be a complete disaster?

Switching my clothing at the dry cleaners
my crush not noticing me!
evil winning.
not knowing what to do today!
my nemisis not showing up
my brother not hanging with me.

How would you describe phineas?

How would you describe phineas?
an awesome owner
the most irratating person ever.
nice person i guess.
best friend
i don't know who your talking about!
he's the cutest, nicest, prettiest....

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you do in your spare time?
Build stuff
try to prove myself right
think about my crush
try to stop evil
think about my goals
fight with my enemy

What's the hardest thing to decide in the morning?

What's the hardest thing to decide in the morning?
what to say to my crush
how to trap your enemy
what to do today
how to build your newest contraption
how to wear your hair
how to destroy your enemy's plans

If your friend needed help, what would you do?

If your friend needed help, what would you do?
do your best to help them but you can be easily distracted
do the best that's physically possible to help them
work to help them
go over the top and create something to cheer them up
build an awesome inator to help
build the most amazing thing

What sort of pet would you like?

What sort of pet would you like?
i don't want a pet
i already have a kid
a puppy
i don't need a pet as long as i have the company of my bro
i already have a cat
maybe a big dog.

What's your favourite colour (please don't kill me)

What's your favourite colour (please don't kill me)