Is your House of Night OC a Mary-Sue Test how realistic your House of Night original character really is... LAmourEncore published on March 09, 2013 Stacked 1/24 fledgling/vampyres only. My character's mark is a blue or red outline of a crescent moon. Tattoos on face only if a vampyre. An outline in a different colour. full on tattoos in a new colour. More impressive than Zoey's not a vampyre/fledgling 2/24 Did you send them to the Tulsa HoN? Yes, because I liked Tulsa and wanted to see how they'd fare there. Nope Yes, the original cast needed a better leader yep, to fill a spot in the circle. 3/24 Or on this 'lovely' lista.Born/raised in extreme poverty? b.Born/forced into slavery? c.Banished from anywhere? d.A member of a despised, outcast, and/or downtrodden race or group? e.An illegitimate child in a society where this is stigmatized? f.The parent of an illegitimate child in a society where this is stigmatized? g.Physically abused? h.Sexually abused/raped? 0-1/8 2-3/8 3-4/8 5-6/8 7/8+ 4/24 do they save the day when the canon characters should've? Or save the canon characters? Or redeem Neferet (not that I don't want to do that)? one of the above Two of the above All the above they wish! 5/24 related to a canon character? Daughter/son of a canon couple, twin, long-lost-whatever NYX's Daughter, sister, mom, son, brother, father etc Nope. Child of a non-canon couple (Zoey and one of the ravenmockers for example) Biological child of a same-sex couple (Jamien) with no valid reasoning as to why this was possible. (valid meaning science can explain it) Adopted (cause in canon, vampyres can't have kids) by two canon characters 6/24 Ah, love interests. forever alone T_T a warrior, consort or mate. Just one at a time. Someone in a position of power, leader of something, High Priestess, etc a canon minor character (Ant, Elliot, Nisroc, Venus, Elizabeth no-last-name, Nicole and that kind of character.) A sort of major character (the twins before destined, Dragon, etc) A major character in canon (Zoey, Stevie Rae, Kalona, Neferet, Stark,) or anyone who's dating/dated a major character. Anyone who's relationship with your ch... two OC's simultaneously Multiple canon characters sumultaneously, or anything that resembles Zoey's lovelife in Chosen. 7/24 Beyond affinities, is your character musically talented, bilingual (or trilingual), athletic, or otherwise skilled. nope yeah, at a couple of things. at a bunch of things! oh, yeas. They're awesome at everything you listed and a few other things Please, just please. they're a natural. 8/24 Do they defy canon laws? (Red vampyre impervious to sunlight, female ravenmocker,old magick creature outside Skye) one, and they have a disadvantage that makes it sort of equal. one. two. all three. one, and I may've overcompensated on their disadvantages and whatnots. nope. 9/24 Are they a warrior? yes no Yeah! They're the kickass leader of the Sons of Erebus! 10/24 Doe this character have a debilitating fear or flaw yes no 11/24 Dark Daughters and Sons? Yes no they lead it. 12/24 My character has an affinity for: nothing, or something small that doesn't make a big difference one element, or electricity, or something equivalent to one element two elements, or equivalent three or four elements, reading thoughts all five. Light, the runes, all five plus something else, daughter- of-a-goddess-kickassness, anything of equal awesomeness to that. Even Darkness if they're using it ... Darkness. Used for evil. 13/24 family issues. How many things on this list happened to your character.a.Was your character orphaned, abandoned, kicked out, raised by a differnt family/person b.Was a major villain responsible for the death of the parents c.Was your character responsible for the death of their parentse. adopted by a cruel family or person? f.Ran away at any point? g.Raised theirself? h.Lived in the streets? i.The very last or only survivor of anything? j.Adopted by another species/racial group? 1/9 or less 2/9 3/9 or 4/9 5/9- 7/9 more than 7/9 14/24 personality-wise, do they explicitly resemble a canon character yes no 15/24 Do they replace a canon character? yes no 16/24 your character (alone) vs Neferet, who wins? Neferet! My OC! they're equal... 17/24 does everyone love your character? a few people. They've also royally pissed off a few. no one, not even me everyone, give or take a few. most everyone haalf the cast 18/24 High Priestess? Yes, after all the work that they had to put into it. no Like Stevie Rae, chosen because there was no alternative. Chosen when they were a fledgling, or first male High Priest 19/24 My character's life resembles canon? they get Marked and go to a house of night. That's it. One or two things. People review complaining that their life is a mirror image of a character's 20/24 Appearance My character looks average. My character is attractive. My Character is so attractive people treat them differently because of it. My Character has the Kalona effect (makes people pretty much fall under their spell because of their looks) 21/24 Motivation? Entirely justified revenge. Some less justifiable motive (desire, pride, anger) that you still want the reader to sympathise with they're going through the motions, dragged into it. \coerced. Love, caring, loyalty, peer pressure, etc. 22/24 Part of a prophesy? Visions count. nope yeah, and it's about their death. it's about them becoming an amazing leader and saving the day! 23/24 Someone begins to go on about character's better traits, their response? (A la Erik in Destined) Yeah, I am quite good looking, aren't I? Uh...thanks? (awkwardly) Me, really? *blushes* why, that's so kind of you. But i'm just an average person. (and believes it despite obvious reasons against it) Me, really. You're too kind. But I'm not as amazing as you say (while hoping they'll continue to compliment them) 24/24 Their familiar is a cat they don't have one some animal other than a cat, like a dog or a lizard, that you can find at an average petstore. a fearsome creature- lions, tigers, wolves, etc A mythological creature