who are you in the twilight saga hey there humans of earth... guess what i love edward cullen... so i'm guessing if you take this quiz you love twilight just as much as i do... so have FUN and ENJOY! Mandy1234 published on March 08, 2013 Stacked 1/8 what color is your hair brown blond blond/brown black brown/red 2/8 what is your favorite sport gymnastics weights/working out baseball volleyball 3/8 who is your favorite female character rosalie bella alice esme 4/8 who is your favourite male character jasper edward emmet jacob 5/8 favourite number 17 22 21 18 19 other 6/8 your friends describe you as shy/kind outgoing/open minded strong/not caring caring/fast mean jelouse 7/8 favorite color yellow blue red orange green purple white other 8/8 favorite type of music cllasical pop heavy meatle orchestra rock jazz blues