what weapon is best for you? medieval and modern weapons, find which one you were made for! (not just offensive weapons) hippo1ord published on March 05, 2013 Stacked 1/6 how do you like to kill your foes? slice them up like a honorable warrior! blow them to pieces at range don't kill them, just make sure they don't kill me... shoot'em up! kill them stealthily smash there skull! dont let them kill me, but I dont want to let them live... cut them into pieces! 2/6 how aggressive are you? let me at them! I just want to get rid of them! extremely passive muhaha! I kill you! lets take them out! SUPER AGGRESIVE not overly aggressive or defensive killer insticts 3/6 what range do you like on your weapons? medium-close range extremely long range dont care medium range super long range close-medium range close range fairly close range 4/6 what weapons do you NOT like? machine guns. melee sniper shield mace mortar axe riot shield 5/6 how do you like to use your weapons? slashing and stabbing when sitting on a chair. just protecting myself fast shooting slow, but effective clubbing enemies bashing them hacking and slashing 6/6 how accurate do you like your weapons? fairly accurate extremely accurate dont care not really accurate pin-point accuracy decent accuracy not very accurate okay accuracy