Barnaby needs help Wich of dsi' Tom barnaby's assistants are you? Sergeant Troy, Scott or Jones. Find out in this quiz... sassykia published on March 07, 2013 Stacked 1/15 What are you better at sports singing neither 2/15 Do you consider yourself sarcastic, cocky and athletic good-looking, cheeky, a good singer bright, ambitious, and you make inappropriate comments, often at the worst times. 3/15 Would you be good partner with Tom Barnaby great not really yes 4/15 Do you plan to get a job at a young age yes no 5/15 Which place is your favourite Wales London Midsomer 6/15 Physical appearance dark hair and brown eyes and reasonably tall More of a square face, light lips, bushier eyebrows, brown hair and brown eyes quit bushy eyebrows, brown hair, pinkish lips and blue eyes 7/15 What is your favourite colour Blue Purple Yellow Green Pink Red Orange Rainbow Black White None Color blind 8/15 How old are you 0-11 12-20 20+ 9/15 If you know all these characters who do you think is the prettiest Cully Gail I already have a girlfriend/boyfriend Don't know them 10/15 Do you jump to conclusions yes no 11/15 In your career how many mysteries do you think you could solve 14+ 30+ 53+ 12/15 Are you focused in class Not if there are hot guys/girls Yes 13/15 What name do you prefer as a last name Hughes Hopkins Casey Howard 14/15 Who do you want to get Gavin Troy Dan Scott Ben Jones 15/15 What is your favourite food out of these Joyce Barnaby's home cooked meals Fast food Coffee Tea None of these anything but Ms Barnaby's food