What My little pony are you? (1) Rainbowdash, Twilight sparkle, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy! See which one are you most like! BlueStripedFox published on March 02, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Desribe yourself? Beautiful Fast! Strong, down to earth Shy, gentle Smart Funny! 2/7 What is something impressive that you've done. I've saved ponyville from a huge stampede Perfromed a sonic rainboom, that one has ever done before Discovered the magic of freindship Designed clothes for the royal canterlot wedding I can sense the future I've helped Discord become kind 3/7 What do you want to be when you grow up? A commedian! A fashion desighner A farmer A vet An athlete idk, I have a job as it is to discover the magic of freindship 4/7 Favourite kind of pet! Dog A prettey kitten A cute baby crocidle A turtle An owl A bunny 5/7 Last question: What is your favourite pony! Rainbowdash! Applejack! Twilight sparkle! Pinkie PIe! Fluttershy! Rarity! 6/7 What is your job? To work on an apple farm To write a letter to Princess Celestia everyday To clear the sky of clouds To desiighn outfits To make EVERYONE SMILE! To take care of the little animals 7/7 What would you do if someone was being mean to you? Destroy them with kindess Stand up for yourself! Ignore them Be silly with them, then end up annoying them insult them back then walk away Show 'em your talents