What dog is best for you? This guiz is about what dog is best for you there are 7 dogs and when you get your results the pictures of the dogs are so cute. Juliet1234 published on February 27, 2013 Stacked 1/9 What kind of dog do you like Pugs Husky Yrokie terrier Golden retriever Bulldog Havanese Beagles 2/9 What do you like doing with your dog Walking your dog Go save life's with your dog Play with your dog Pet your dog Swim with your dog Brush your dog Play ball with your dog 3/9 What's your favorite color. Orange Blue Burnt orange Gold Green Purple Brown 4/9 What kind of face do you like on a dog A smushed face A fuzzy face A small face A big face A fat face A fluffy face A good size face 5/9 What type of dog sounds fun to you A loving and cute dog A dog that saves life's A dog that barks a lot A loyal and smart dog A tough and funny dog A dog that is fluffy and loves to run around A dog that loves to play ball 6/9 What toy do you like for a dog A stuffed animal A tug-a-war rope A frisbee A fake bone A chew toy Anything A ball 7/9 What kind of hair do you like on a dog Short short hair Fuzzy hair Medium hair Long hair Do not know what kind of hair Fluffy hair Good size hair 8/9 What's your favorite season Summer Winter Fall Spring Do not know All of them The middle of summer 9/9 What is your favorite part of taking care of a dog Walking your dog Feeding your dog Giving your dog a bath Training your dog Making sure your dog is healthy Brushing your dog Playing with your dog