What dog breed are you? (2) This is a quiz that will blow you mind with its accuracy and will let you have fun with it. If you have a dog, give it a hug and for you that don't, do not worry. Collie published on February 25, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Do you love dogs? Yes, I will die if i don't get one for my next B-day! I like them alot. I kinda like them. I don't like them at all! 2/5 Do you like to play games inside/outside? I prefer outside but i love games!! I would rather stay inside. I don't care for games but i will play them but only inside. I don't like to play games. They're to kiddish. 3/5 Would you prefer cat or dog? I ABSALUTLY LOVE DOGS!!!! I like both. Thats a hard decision but i have to go with cats this time. CATS CATS CATS!!! 4/5 Do you like to be active? Absalutly! I like swimming but thats about it. I don't really like to be active. I would rather eat chips and watch TV. 5/5 Do you like math? Are you kidding? I don't like it, I LOVE it!! I am good at it. I don't like it at all. What?