What type of roleplay character

What type of roleplay character

what are you a leader, fighter, dreamer, lier, trustwort, or a killer find out what best fits you

published on April 06, 2013

A man is trying to kill you mother what do you do?

A man is trying to kill you mother what do you do?
Kill him and teach him a lesson to never touch my mother again!
Attack him but dont kill him but tell him to stay away and never come back
Trick the man into thinking you better but as soon as he gets close kill him

Your people need your help to win a battle what do you do?

Your people need your help to win a battle what do you do?
Lead them through it
I stand by their side and fight with them
Tell them i cant im sorry i have lost my gun
Tell them sure i will fight with you...you can count on me

what would you like to be?

what would you like to be?

your team is low on food what do you do?

your team is low on food what do you do?
trick them in thinking im getting food but just get it for myself
Be the brave one and go out hunting for my team
Send out a group to hunt
dream of food for my people
Kill every last living thing
promise my people to get food for them

When your face to face with you worse enemy and you know he is stronger what do you do?

When your face to face with you worse enemy and you know he is stronger what do you do?
Fight even if it kills me
fight for me team they need me
Make him think that i am stronger to make him think he is weak and not want to fight me
Be the stronger one and tell him this is unnessary it will just make more war
Dream him away and think this is only a dream

was this good?

was this good?
hurry up!
ohh yes...not
yes and im telling the trust

Your friend tells you a sercet that just might kill her or you what do you do?

Your friend tells you a sercet that just might kill her or you what do you do?
tell her i will keep it but later tell somebody so i dont get killed
take the rise this is my friend
be strong and tell her i cant help you
promise to protect her and yourself