your 1d hubby- with exciting story! do u love 1d? do u want to marry them? do you wonder how it would happen? well here is your quiz buddy! with correct results and awsome stories! enjoy! leprechuan24 published on February 23, 2013 Stacked 1/9 You love to.. Eat and laugh Talk and joke around Listen to kings of Leon Work out, cook look in a mirro 2/9 For their personality you want harry loui niall (MIINE!) zayn liam 3/9 What do u look 4 in a guy? Sweet and sensible Fun loving Shy and mysterious Cheek and confident Funny, and cute 4/9 You are.. Bubbly Shy Cute Very shy Cheeky 5/9 Would you like a kiss the first date? Yes with harry Yes with Liam idk Possibly Yeah on the cheek though, keep it modest! (I’m with ya!) 6/9 U want a guy who will be … romantic and sweet Flirty Funny, and daring Playfully vain, and understanding Soapy, and funny 7/9 What artist Kings of Leon (YIKES! Me not so much! Srry!) Megan fox (idk never listened 2 her!) The fray( luv them!) Justin bebier (hes a good singer) P!nk (luv her!) 8/9 You don’t like Show offs Biting caps off bottles Loud chewing People not wearing socks (i do that some times! srry!) Broken mirrors 9/9 You eat.. Cookie dough Everything Chocolate Chicken Tacos