Are you Barbie or Bratz? Find out if you are more like barbie or more like bratz!!!! : ) !!!! shez.noor published on February 21, 2013 Stacked 1/11 You consider yourself... A princess Party animal! A tomboy Popular 2/11 If you could spend 1 day with a famous person who would it be. Hannah Montana The president Garfield Ken 3/11 Which logo do you reckon is cooler? Barbie Bratz 4/11 Your having a bad day you... Call your best friends. Go to the spa. Become a famous chef. Go shopping. 5/11 What would you rather do? Shopping! Go to the gym. Hang out with friends! Go to a party! 6/11 Which description suits you? Mean!!!Obsessed with myself!!! Sweet and innocent. 7/11 What is your favorite thing to wear? Jeans and a comfortable shirt. A dress. Something floral. Pajamas 8/11 What do you think about that picture? Boohoo!!Bratz rules!!! Ha ha!!!That's right barbie rules!!! 9/11 What is your favorite color? Pink Purple Black Red 10/11 You go to a restaurant what do you order? Pizza Sushi Burger POPCORN! 11/11 People consider you... Popular. Pretty.