What dance style suits you?

What dance style suits you?

Do you ever watch Strictly Come Dancing, Got To Dance or Dancing on Ice and think, "Wow-I'd love to be able to do that back flip!" or, "How the heck did she get her head between her legs? What!" well, you've come to the right place...Want to start dancing? See what style of dance would suit you...

published on March 13, 2013

What is your favorite animal?

What is your favorite animal?
Any animal...
A snake!
Cat! Meow!
My favorite animal is not here
I hate animals!
Dogs! They rock like rock n' roll music!

Favorite movie out of these...

Favorite movie out of these...
All That Jazz!
Step Up!
Shall We Dance!
Stayin' Alive!
Dance With Me!

If you had any wish out of these, which would you choose?

If you had any wish out of these, which would you choose?
To meet a famous modern singer!
To dance on Broadway!
To go to a ballet tournament!
I'd love to go to an all you can eat Mexican buffet!
What? Got a problem with that?
I'd love to perform live with Madonna!
I'd love Prince William to ask me to dance with him! Aw!
I wish I was Kate!
Well, this isn't for me, but I wish that Elvis, the King of
Rock, was still alive : (

What is your favorite era?

What is your favorite era?
Honey, I live in the moment!
Old times *sighs happily*
I don't have a favorite
Any time, nothing comes between my love for tango!
Any era with Madonna!
1800's, Victorian times really
50's is the time for me!

Oh no! It's the school dance! You nearly forgot! You have one hour to decide what you wear!

Oh no! It's the school dance! You nearly forgot! You have one hour to decide what you wear!
Geez, no big deal! I'd just wear anything! Anything
that describes me, I hate being all girly and posh! I'd
wear the things that I wear every other day!
A metallic blue dress! Ooh! And my favorite tap shoes!
Probably a leotard, a sleek black one! I know, it's a
pretty weird thing to .
Mama Mia! I'd probably wear my Cha Cha Ballroom
dress! I've been saving it for a special occasion!
Chillaxe, something simple, black dress, mysterious top
hat, then...I'd steal the dance floor!
The poofiest, poshest dress I can find
50's dress, they're awesome!

How do you like your hair?

How do you like your hair?
Hangin' loose, like I'd care how my hair looks!
Curled or covered with a hat.
In a messy bun or something original.
In a tight bun, held up with a flower
Um, down I guess
A bun or proper done ringlets
Curled, straight! Ties up- anything!

What do you like to eat?

What do you like to eat?
Chocolate and sweet stuff *drools*
Normal nutrients
Healthy stuff like salad, chicken, fish- mustn't forget
not to eat too much of it!
Spicy food, like Tortilla wraps filled with juicy chicken
and spices of pepper and tomatoes and- *drools*
Pretty much everything on the list!
Big feats of roast dinners and potatoes- you get the
luxury I'm coming from, right?
Diners! I love diner food!

Who is your role model when it comes to dance?

Who is your role model when it comes to dance?
Ashley Banjo
Savion Glover
Kimberly Wyatt
I don't have one that's on the list
I don't look up to anyone that dances, I just do it for

Tomboy or girly girl?

Tomboy or girly girl?
In between
Girly girl, kinda
More girly than boyish
Again, like 50/50, a bit of both
Tomboyish I guess?
Neither. I'm very straight forward in my own confident
Girly, but I love that tomboy music!

What is your favorite dance move?
(Copy links to see moves)

What is your favorite dance move? (Copy links to see moves)
-Hip hop-
-Rock n' roll-

What is your favorite type of music?

What is your favorite type of music?
Modern hip hop!
It depends, I love everything!
Music where it's just a piano playing is all I need.
Spanish Latin music!
Slow, meaningless music
Elvis, The Beatles, old catchy music, there's nothin' like