What sort of animal are you? To find out what animal your personality truly describes, answer these questions and i can assure you that your personality will be connected somewhat close to the final results. Setanova published on February 19, 2013 Stacked 1/5 If someone you knew were to die, what would be your first reaction? Be alone and hope no one else you know comes to harm/death Be too shy to talk about it and be with others for support Weep and be upset about it, taking time to make sure the person has moved on Enjoy the last memories you have of them Keep your feelings to yourself and just act tough in front of others 2/5 On holidays, what would you do if you could? Adventuring the area around your home more closely Keeping to yourself and just enjoying your own things Spending time with friends Travelling to different places to enjoy the new surroundings Staying wih others and exploring different places, depending on the weather 3/5 What sort of person would you prefer to be with? A person that is free and magestic A person that is quite shy Someone that is a calm yet happy soul A person that will snap back at you to give you competition A person you can trust and wont push your boundaries 4/5 What sort of emotion do you experience most of the time? Depression or fear Wisdom Anger or rage Relaxation or freedom At peace 5/5 What do you prefer? To be with your friends or family or community group To be adventuring or enjoying the freedom you have at hand To be around others To be alone enjoying the peace and quiet To be doing something you enjoy doing by yourself