Not Your Average Hogwarts Life! Part 2 This is a Day Late! I meant to do/upload it on Valentine's day, I was too busy though. Anyways, Enjoy Part 2! anonymous-user-PjPAXJ published on February 16, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Who did you get Last Time? Quinn Thomas! Taylor Willows! Valorie Jackson! Elizabeth Willows! Morgan Goodwill! Addy Newman! Briana Skater! Camille Victorious! Daphne Opals! Eleanor Robin! Faith West! 2/5 What happened? To your Character? Her best Friend got Kidnapped (Quinn) Her Hometown was invaded by Dementors (Taylor) She read about Goblins who Decided to take a Little Break from Gringotts. (Valorie.) She found out her Best friend was Imperiused. (Elizabeth) She got made fun of by the Daily Prophet. (Morgan) Her name Appeared out of the Goblet, and she wasn't of age. (Addy) She woke up in a Dark room. (Briana.) She was looking for someone who was Kidnapped. (Camille) She went to save her Imperiused Best Friend. (Daphne) She went to stop the Dementors. (Eleanor) She went to save a Owl. (Faith) 3/5 What was your First Name (Character's) Quinn. T a y l o r. V-a-l-o-r-i-e! Elizabeth. Morgan! Addy! B r i a n a! C a m i l l e! D-a-p-h-n-e Eleanor! Faith! 4/5 Your Character's Last Name? Thomas! Willows! (Taylor) Jackson! W i l l o w s! (Elizabeth.) Goodwill! Newman! Skater! Victorious! Opals! Robin! West! 5/5 Who did you get again? Quinn Thomas! Taylor Willows! Valorie Jackson! Elizabeth Willows! Morgan Goodwill! Addy Newman! Briana Skater! Camille Victorious! Daphne Opals! Eleanor Robin! Faith West!