Which Adventure Time character are you?

Which Adventure Time character are you?

If you get a girl or a boy when you aren't one, don't get mad at ME. Alright now start the quiz!

published on February 09, 2013

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
how to adventure the right way
how to make an everything burrito
how to make a formula for something
how to write an awesome song

What is your favorite color(you knew it was coming).

What is your favorite color(you knew it was coming).
blue and green
yellow and orange
pink and magenta
black and purple

Its a weekend. What do you plan on doing?

Its a weekend. What do you plan on doing?
have an adventure!
sleep or eat or play video games
make a new formula
write a new song for my band

Describe yourself in one word.

Describe yourself in one word.

Last question! If you saw a person falling off of a roof, what would you do?

Last question! If you saw a person falling off of a roof, what would you do?
help them
stretch up to catch them
invent something to catch them
laugh at them