Which Phantom of The Opera Character are you? This isnt based on the movie or play. This is based on the book. The results you can get are: Erik, Christine, Raoul, Richard, or the Persian erikthephantom published on February 08, 2013 Stacked 1/10 How might others describe you? Mysterious and Quiet Shy and Humble Devoted and Stubborn Greedy and Suspicous Helpful and Open-Minded 2/10 Do you sing? Yes, but only to myself. Yes. The world loves my voice. No, not at all. 3/10 Which song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom is your favourite? Think of Me Angel of Music Phantom of the Opera The Music of the Night Prima Donna All I Ask of You Masquerade Past the Point of No Return 4/10 How might you describe yourself. Clever and Creative Kind and Loving Sensetive and Strong-willed Powerful and Efficent Well-meaning and Intelligent 5/10 What is your family like? My family rejected me. My family is no longer with me. My family is rich,a dn I am close with them. I long since left the nest, but i still see my family from time to time. My family lives in another country, so I only see them occasioanlly. 6/10 Do you have a significant other? Yes No 7/10 How much do you value music and art? Music is my life Music is important, but not too important. I don't value music very highly. 8/10 You are invited to a masked ball. What would you wear? I am not at the ball. I don't concern myself with such events. A well tailored suit that makes me look powerful. Something white or cream. I want to look my best to impress someone I like. Soemthign simplea dn black. I dont like attracting the attention of others. Something bright red. I want everyone to know I'm there. 9/10 Finally, Who do you think youa re the most like? The Phantom Christine Raoul Firmin Richard The Persian None of the Above 10/10 What are your views on love? it is a beautiful but difficult thing I am nervous about love I like soemone and am not afraid to say. My love is money. I pass no opinion on love.