Which Phantom of The Opera Character are you?

Which Phantom of The Opera Character are you?

This isnt based on the movie or play. This is based on the book. The results you can get are: Erik, Christine, Raoul, Richard, or the Persian

published on February 08, 2013

How might others describe you?

Mysterious and Quiet
Shy and Humble
Devoted and Stubborn
Greedy and Suspicous
Helpful and Open-Minded

Do you sing?

Yes, but only to myself.
Yes. The world loves my voice.
No, not at all.

Which song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom is your favourite?

Think of Me
Angel of Music
Phantom of the Opera
The Music of the Night
Prima Donna
All I Ask of You
Past the Point of No Return

How might you describe yourself.

Clever and Creative
Kind and Loving
Sensetive and Strong-willed
Powerful and Efficent
Well-meaning and Intelligent

What is your family like?

My family rejected me.
My family is no longer with me.
My family is rich,a dn I am close with them.
I long since left the nest, but i still see my family from time to time.
My family lives in another country, so I only see them occasioanlly.

Do you have a significant other?


How much do you value music and art?

Music is my life
Music is important, but not too important.
I don't value music very highly.

You are invited to a masked ball. What would you wear?

I am not at the ball. I don't concern myself with such events.
A well tailored suit that makes me look powerful.
Something white or cream. I want to look my best to impress someone I like.
Soemthign simplea dn black. I dont like attracting the attention of others.
Something bright red. I want everyone to know I'm there.

Finally, Who do you think youa re the most like?

The Phantom
Firmin Richard
The Persian
None of the Above

What are your views on love?

it is a beautiful but difficult thing
I am nervous about love
I like soemone and am not afraid to say.
My love is money.
I pass no opinion on love.