How welcomed would you be in the Dark Forest/Starclan?

How welcomed would you be in the Dark Forest/Starclan?

If you were in the Warrior Cats world, what afterlife would you be sent to Starclan or the Dark forest? Also how much would the other resident think of you? This Quiz is also good to test OCs on wither they would go to the Dark forest or Starclan.

published on August 30, 2016164 responses 3
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Where do you want to end up in the afterlife?

Where do you want to end up in the afterlife?
Starclan, of confuse. I don't want to rot in the Dark forest!
The Dark forest.
I'm not sure.
I would like to go to Starclan to see my friends and family again.
I think I served my Clan well, so I think I'll end up in Starclan.
The Dark forest! I hate those stupid little Starclan Cats and their star pelts and their- Blah, blah, blah.

How much do you respect the Warrior code?

How much do you respect the Warrior code?
The Warrior Code is very important. It's the only thing stopping the clans from just becoming a bunch
of Rouges.
I wouldn't be much of a Clan cat if I didn't respect it.
I try to obey it most of the time.
I don't really care for it. It's broken all the time anyway.
The Warrior code gets more in the way then anything.
I hate it!

How often do you break the Warrior Code?

How often do you break the Warrior Code?
I try to keep breaking the Warrior Code to bare minimum.
I may break it from time to time but only on minor things. Or if my leaders to tell me otherwise.
I don't try to break the major rules however sometimes I slip up.
I do break it often but only the petty rules like; Don't steal prey or go onto other Clans' land.
I broken too many rules to even count.
I couldn't care less if I break the code or not.
I try my best not to break it.

What rank were you before your death?

What rank were you before your death?
Young/Middle Aged Warrior.
Senior Warrior/Elder.
I lived outside the Clans before my death as a loner.
Exiled Rouge.
I didn't have much of rank when I lived in the Clan. I kind of just did my own thing.
Medicine Cat.

Where did you loyaltys lay before your death?

Where did you loyaltys lay before your death?
To my leader and Clan.
I was was loyal to my Clanmates but I didn't get along with my leader too well.
I was very loyal to my leader but my Clanmates aren't too sure.
I was very loyal to one specific cat that the rest of the Clan were suspicious of.
I had a few good friends I'm loyal to.
I'm not really loyal to anyone but myself but they don't really know that.

What do your clanmates think of you?

What do your clanmates think of you?
I'm well known around the Clan and highly respected.
I'm seen as a bit of crown, some find me funny while some find me annoying.
I'm nothing too special. I've got a quite a lot of friends and everyone sees me as a loyal Clan member.
I've got a few close friends but I've made a few enemies as well.
Most of the Clan don't trust me so I try to ignore them and get on with my own business.
I've not that popular. I've got quite the bad reputation.
Clanmates? They chased me out moons ago!
Most Cats just fine me ok while others clearly don't like me.
My clanmates wouldn't trust anymore. I live as a loner now.

Are you closely related to or friends with any hated cats?

Are you closely related to or friends with any hated cats?
Yes, I'm related to a hated cat but I do my best to show others I'm not like them.
Yes, I was one of their best friends because of that some cats still don't trust me.
Yes, I was their biggest follower and still are!
Yes, I'm related to them and trying to follow in their pawprints.
No. But I'll try to help those cats that are not trusted because of this wicked cat.

How strong are you emotionally?

How strong are you emotionally?
I'm quite good at controlling my emotions.
Honestly, It can sometimes overwhelm me.
It can control my actions.
I keep a steady head most of the time.
I'm a not very good with my emotions but I don't try to hurt anyone.
If I wasn't strong with them, I would be weak.

How do deal with grief?

How do deal with grief?
I seek my family and friends for support.
Bottom it up.
Go off by myself for a while and think.
Can deeply effect me but I don't show it until much later.
I isolate myself and let it overwhelm me.
I don't have time to grieve.
I have to be there for my family and friends before grieving myself.

Have you ever trained in the Dark forest?

Have you ever trained in the Dark forest?
Yes but only for a short time before I found out what the Dark forest cats were really like.
Yes and for quite a while.
Yes, all my life and I feel more loyal to the Dark forest then anyone else.
I want to go the Dark forest when I die more then Starclan.

How many cats have you've killed and why?

How many cats have you've killed and why?
Only a few in battle but only self-defense and while defensing my Clan.
I've never killed a cat in my life.
I'm too scared of what might happen if I killed someone even in another Clan.
I would of killed a lot more cats if I just lived a bit longer.
I killed a cat (possibly more then one) in another clan for personal reasons.
I killed a cat (possibly more then one) in my Clan for personal reasons.
I've killed a lot of Cats.
I killed a cat to avenge a loved one.

What are like when it comes to fighting?

What are like when it comes to fighting?
I have a lot of skill in fighting but I try to subdue my opponent before giving them anything life threatening.
I'm like an any average Clan cat when it comes to my fighting.
I'm not very good at fighting.
I'm not very good at fighting so I'll use cheap methods to get the upper hand.
I'm quite brutal when it comes to my fighting.
I fight more like a rouge then anything.
I use brutal fighting tactics to get the upper hand on my opponent.

You're in an portal, when you see a rogue, what would you do?

You're in an portal, when you see a rogue, what would you do?
Jump out in front of the rouge and question them.
Pinned them to the ground and demand to know what they're doing.
Give them a scar to remember and then chase them out.
Chase them out.
Kill them.
Ignore them.
Follow what the rest of the portal is doing.

You're in an portal, when you see a lost young kittypet, what would you do?

You're in an portal, when you see a lost young kittypet, what would you do?
Confront them and ask if they need an escort out of the territory.
Jump in front of them and ask what they're doing.
Chase them out.
Scar them then chase them out.
Kill them.
Do what the others want.
Calmly walk up to them and ask if they need help but still warn them that they're in your Clan's territory.

What is your greatest flaw? (Be honest.)

What is your greatest flaw? (Be honest.)
Too ambitious.
Big mouthed.