Ultimate <<Which assassin are you?>> Assassin's Creed quiz 2015 This version of the <<Which assassin are you?>> quiz is updated up to Assassin's Creed Syndicate. Have fun and keep stabbing templars! ILikeAssassinsCreed published on November 17, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Which is your favourite? Stealth Fighting Parkour Ranged 2/10 Do you believe peace between the assassins and templars is possible? No, the templars are evil and seek to control all of humanity, they should all die Not all of them are evil, but their beliefs are wrong so I shall fight them Yes, but it will be difficult I'm actually a templar 3/10 Where would you like to live? In the desert or the mountains In cultured renaissance cities Constantinopole or Cappadocia Boston, New York, the North Atlantic or somewhere in the wild frontier Caribbean Revolutionary Paris Industrial era London 4/10 Which of these words best describes you? Vengeful Loyal Just Courageous Free Frightening 5/10 Which tools are the most important for navigation? Climbing glove or Hook Blade Rope dart and assassin gauntlet Lifts Simple parkour 6/10 You have finally reached your assassination target, a master templar. Which weapon do you use to eliminate him/her? Hidden Blade Hook Blade Phantom Blade Assassin Gauntlet or cane sword Poison Blade or crossbow Pistol Tomahawk Air rifle 7/10 You are surrounded, what do you do? Run away Climb until your pursuers loose you Use a smoke bomb Swim away 8/10 How do you spend your free time? Courting beautiful women Hanging with my gang Hunting or exploring the wild Exploring assassin tombs or cultist lairs Fight clubs or racing Sailing the open seas and finding treasure Being a pirate! Solving murders What free time? 9/10 Which quote best suits you? "Our duty is to the people, not to custom. We shall be made anew..." "Non temete l'oscurita - accettate il suo abbraccio (Fear not the darkness - but welcome its embrace). Requiescant in pace (Rest in peace)." "When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades woul... "The strings should be severed, all should be free!" "I bend my knee to no man." "Those who deny freedom to others deseve it not for themselves." "I make my own luck!" "The working class sleepwalks through life, unaware of the machine that drives them... Let's wake them up then shall we?" 10/10 Someone is in need of help. What do you do? Jump in and save them Save them and ask them to join you Eliminate the threat quickly, before anybody has rime to react Save them as long as it doesn't interfere with the mission Distract the attackers and draw them away Save them but demand payment Walk away, not my problem