which hobbit charchter are you? are you gandalf or bilbo or legolas? will you be a dwarf? take the quiz to find out. legolas12 published on December 31, 2014 Stacked 1/5 if you would have to write a book, what would it be about? spells the journey of their past history on rivendell 101 ways to kill a orc 2/5 If you saw a bloodthirsty orc, what would you do? Shoot it chop it's head off make him fly off a cliff slip on the ring and hide 3/5 who do you want to be? thorin bilbo legolas gandalf SMAUG! 4/5 if you were surrounded by goblins, what would you do? shoot their heads off slip on the ring and escape create a barrier swing around and cut their heads off in one slice 5/5 what do you do in your spare time? hunt rest and practice spells write a book keep watch for danger