What Type Of Student Are You? (1)

What Type Of Student Are You? (1)

In the season of school starting soon for me, i decided i want to find out about YOU GUYS! (Oh lord, i realized how stalkerish that sounded.. 0.0) Please comment what you get! I'll try to respond AND i will always UPVOTE positive comments and the answers. Thank you so much! ♥♥ Brookie ♥♥

published on July 13, 2015

What do you find yourself doing a lot?

What do you find yourself doing a lot?
Organizing or Studying! School before anything else!
Sleeping.. I'm never up to do anything else.
Hanging out with my friends! We always hang out and have fun!
Texting my girl ;)

How do you think your grades are?

How do you think your grades are?
I know they're good!
They're awesome!
Um. where is your warrant to ask me this?
They're okay, they could be better but eh, who has time for that.

What is your favorite subject in school?

What is your favorite subject in school?
I LOVE the fun subjects, like the interactive ones, like biology! or... SCIENCE! Or.. PE!! (Physical Education for anybody who doesn't know.)
P.E, so i can talk to everyone :D

What is your morning routine? (answer which atleast sounds like yours if none of them are here)

What is your morning routine? (answer which atleast sounds like yours if none of them are here)
Wake up, go and make breakfast, eat breeakfast while on phone/laptop/reading, get ready, brush my teeth and hair, go over last night's HW (HomeWork) then go ...
Wake up, shower, do makeup, do hair, brush teeth, eat, grab my stuff, then go :D
Wake up, brush my hair and teeth, grab a granola bar, then sling my backpack over my back and walk out of the door.
Wake up, shower, fix my hair, brush my teeth, answer all texts and go on social media, get breakfast, then go to school.

How many friends do you have at school?

How many friends do you have at school?
1-4 Friends :D
1-2 Friends :D
I don't have friends, i only got boy/girl friends ;)

How does your bookbag/binder look?

How does your bookbag/binder look?
Completely organized! All papers in the right spots, fresh sharpened pencils, new pens, :DDDDDDDDD
It's organized, just not well. I know where everything is, and i turn in the stuff needed, even if it is a bit wrinkly..
I'd say.. Nice. It has it's messy papers, but i know where everything is :D
I have some paper and a pencil, along with my bag, K???

How do YOU think you look for school?

How do YOU think you look for school?
I think i look.. ok. I care more about education than how i look!
ALLLWAAYYSS looking fine ;)
sweatpants, and a shirt. I look like a person.
Makeup ON POINT, Hair ON POINT, Eyebrows ON FLEEEEKKKK, I look amazing in my opinion.

What is your afternoon snack? (if you have one)

What is your afternoon snack? (if you have one)
Something nice and healthy!
A quick snack, sometimes a cookie or a sandwich :D
I would say some junk food, but hey, its good!
I like eating either something healthy or something unhealthy. No in between.

What do you think others think of you?

What do you think others think of you?
I don't care what others think! I love ME FOR ME!
I think everyone likes me, but of course i have haters, but that's fine!
People don't like me, they LOVE ME :D
Why should i care?

Favorite genre of music? (i had no other ideas)

Favorite genre of music? (i had no other ideas)
Hip-Hop, Dubstep, or anything upbeat!
I like rock/punk/ idk what MCR or P!ATD would be so... yea haha.
I like slow songs, but i also like awesome songs.. what genre would that be..
Hmm.. this one is difficult, i like all music, and i will listen to all of them :D