What Mer are you From Waterfire saga? Have you ever wondered what character you would be from a favorite book, movie, story, fable? Well here you can find out. lohrma385 published on May 21, 2016 Stacked 1/11 What would you do in a battle? Fight Stand on the sidelines hoping that you will win Helping the hurt 2/11 Are you brave Yes Depends No 3/11 Are you a leader? Yes No 4/11 Are you a lover? Yes No 5/11 Are you a... Male Female 6/11 Are you... Smart Loving Thoughtful 7/11 If you had to sacrifice someone who would it be? a friend An enemy No one 8/11 Good or evil? Good Evil 9/11 Are you a descendant of a famous person? Yes No 10/11 If you had a super power what would it be? To talk to animals To love wholeheartedly To sense if there is something wrong To fight with the force of ten men To glow and be the light To cast the strongest magic 11/11 How old are you? 3-7 8-13 14-21 21 and up