Will you become a celebrity/famous Have you ever wonder if you were going to be famous or a celebrity. Well here's your chance to find out? hollyhannah published on May 18, 2014 Stacked 1/5 do you want to be a celebrity. um , heck yeah!!! no not really yes 2/5 do you have manners. yes of course define manners ummmm kinda 3/5 what things do you have that celebrities do to. I can sing. I can dance. I am pretty. 2 of the above. all of the above. none of the above. 4/5 do you have an elegant walk or stride. of course not really but kind of. no not at all I do not even know what you mean. 5/5 Are you popular? please do not lie. yes, I am very popular and every body loves me. nope not at all. I am popular but not to popular.