Does he like you? (15) Does he like you? Are you guys stuck in the friend-zone or do you two have a relationship in the future? delaineygal published on June 05, 2016 Stacked 1/12 Does everyone say he likes you? Yes! Not really, they don't know if he likes me or anyone no ??? 2/12 Does he have a girlfriend or crush? IDK if he has a crush. At least he doesn't say anything about who he likes. Everyone says he likes me and he denies it and blushes. He admits he likes me. He likes someone else and everyone always teases him about it, but I still think he might like me even though we're just friends. He likes someone else but he could like me He has a girlfriend. But they aren't close. He has a girlfriend He just got out of a relationship. 3/12 Which of these have happened? We bumped into each other and had an awkward moment We touched (not in a romantic/inappropriate way) We've held hands (but we had to) We've kissed but that was a while ago/idk if it meant anything. None of these 4/12 Does he ever 'bump' into you or nudge you? Yes! All the time! But it's because he doesn't like me! We're enemies practically. Yes, at lunch he'll kick me or something. No, but I catch him when he's about to. His friends dare him to. No 5/12 Do you text? No Not at all! Why would he talk to me? Yes. We're good friends. Yeah! Not unless I need to get the homework or something. I don't have a phone (This will not count against you or for you) 6/12 Do your friends always talk about him? Yeah but the know I like him that's why. Yes Not really No they don't say anything except "He doesn't' like you!" or "Stop dreaming!" 7/12 When you see him at social events what do you do? Wave and smile maybe chat a but Wave and smile maybe chat but he's lost with his friends stare and take pictures of him dance/swim/party and talk to him 8/12 Does he glance at you or stare at you? (Don't just click what seems is like the answer that will make it say he likes you as a result!) Yeah, he stares at me a lot in class but when I look over at him he keeps on staring/looks back forward again. Sometimes but we flirt all the time as kind of a joke. Every once in a while I'll catch him glancing at me. No he doesn't look at me ever. As if I'm not in existence! He doesn't but I think he likes me. He know I exist but he doesn't glance at me. 9/12 Do his friends like you or mess with you and your friends? (BE HONEST) Yeah, sometimes they mess with me or hang out with me. No not really but I think my crush likes me though. No not at all. I exist too! They don't like me. They won't go away! They follow me everywhere and mess with my stuff! Jerks! They hang out with me and talk to me a lot! OR they are my friends. 10/12 Do people tease that you two are a 'thing' Yes and he blushes! Yes No Not really, once or twice. 11/12 Do you two talk/ hang out? Yes I'm one of his friends but I don't fit in with him and his other friends Yes Not unless we have to Every once in a while we chat and then we enjoy it but forget about it. No he doesn't care IDK! 12/12 Did this help so far (will not count against you) IDK could you just get to the results. Yes! So wonderful! Thank you! No