on August 28, 2015

Like ice, I can break
Like an open wound, I can bleed
Like life all we have left are those who knows who we are
Never forget that sometimes life cant always be perfect, but some wish to not believe it
So if your feeling down just remember what makes you happy and you'll never feel lonely again
Like an open wound, I can bleed
Like life all we have left are those who knows who we are
Never forget that sometimes life cant always be perfect, but some wish to not believe it
So if your feeling down just remember what makes you happy and you'll never feel lonely again
on August 27, 2015

I'm a bit ticked off after lunch today I sat alone again but at least I had one friend sit with me but he's a softmore so not exactly a freshmen. Anyways so if you might as well know I've been feeling like an outcast not because i sit alone sometimes but people call me a squirrel i don't why they just do it they probably do it to annoy me but you'll learn to live with it.
on August 27, 2015

Sat alone at lunch today it stunk being by myself my friends sat together at the front tables, Elaine was alone in the lobby, and I like i said sat alone in the back of the lunchroom not my best lunch but I had some time to myself a bit
on August 26, 2015

pennyroyalT added a question to the starred list

If you could change your name... what would your name be? Please only your first name.....
on August 26, 2015

pennyroyalT uploaded a photo
Millenia the dark the evil force that has once lived inside of Scarlette

on August 25, 2015

Hey qfeasters quick question do you think Scarlette and shadow should have a child or should I wait to do that i'm a bit stumped?
on August 25, 2015