**Whispering Shadows**
(just smth i decided to write-)
(Verse 1)
In the hush of the night, I'm walking alone,
Whispering shadows echo, chilling to the bone,
Lost in the darkness, haunted by my fears,
Searching for solace, longing for my tears. See More
Oh, these wounds run deep, scars hidden beneath,
But in this pain, I'll find the strength to breathe,
With every step, I'll rise up, I won't be undone,
I'll reach for the light, 'til the battles are won.
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
(Verse 2)
Once plagued by the voices, fierce and unkind,
Bullies tearing at my soul, leaving scars undefined,
But I've learned to face them, with courage fueling my stride,
Transforming all that pain, into music deep inside.
Oh, these wounds run deep, scars hidden beneath,
But in this pain, I'll find the strength to breathe,
With every chord, I'll rise up, I won't be undone,
I'll reach for the light, 'til the battles are won.
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
And though the nights were long, and the hurt was real,
I'll wear these battle scars, like a badge of steel,
With every strum, I'll heal the wounds of yesterday,
Through the power of music, my spirit finds its way.
(Guitar Solo)
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
Now, in the afterglow, the shadows fade away,
A newfound strength arises, with each passing day,
I'll keep on singing, my heart never to yield,
For I've triumphed through battles, and my wounds are healed.
(just smth i decided to write-)
(Verse 1)
In the hush of the night, I'm walking alone,
Whispering shadows echo, chilling to the bone,
Lost in the darkness, haunted by my fears,
Searching for solace, longing for my tears. See More
Oh, these wounds run deep, scars hidden beneath,
But in this pain, I'll find the strength to breathe,
With every step, I'll rise up, I won't be undone,
I'll reach for the light, 'til the battles are won.
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
(Verse 2)
Once plagued by the voices, fierce and unkind,
Bullies tearing at my soul, leaving scars undefined,
But I've learned to face them, with courage fueling my stride,
Transforming all that pain, into music deep inside.
Oh, these wounds run deep, scars hidden beneath,
But in this pain, I'll find the strength to breathe,
With every chord, I'll rise up, I won't be undone,
I'll reach for the light, 'til the battles are won.
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
And though the nights were long, and the hurt was real,
I'll wear these battle scars, like a badge of steel,
With every strum, I'll heal the wounds of yesterday,
Through the power of music, my spirit finds its way.
(Guitar Solo)
Whispering shadows, won't you set me free?
From the demons of my past, let me find my melody,
I'll rise above the ashes, embrace a brand-new day,
For in the depths of darkness, I'll find my own way.
Now, in the afterglow, the shadows fade away,
A newfound strength arises, with each passing day,
I'll keep on singing, my heart never to yield,
For I've triumphed through battles, and my wounds are healed.
on August 31, 2023

im gay

on August 31, 2023
on August 31, 2023

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on August 31, 2023

who else hates it when start shaking and crying when ur trying to text someone then after ur done crying ur tired asf
on August 31, 2023

on August 31, 2023

on August 31, 2023

on August 31, 2023

im bored
on August 31, 2023

should i buy a house first or a egg first (adopt me)
on August 31, 2023

on August 30, 2023

we still have school trrmw just a 2 hour delay which sucks cus i wanted to die
on August 30, 2023

on August 30, 2023

on August 30, 2023

on August 30, 2023

on August 30, 2023

on August 30, 2023