Magical Creatures Role Play
All you need to do is create a character, list their features, powers etc. using the list I created, and role play the day away!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Tria: Over here!
Sarah: Okay! *runs over to Tria* Now what?
Dark Lord Saturn: I knew you'd come here one day or another!
Sarah: Oh no, Tria, run! It's a trap!
Dark Lord Saturn: She'll not be running any time soon.... Sarah!
Sarah: W-who are you?
Dark Lord Saturn: Faux Derek, obviously. After I killed you, I saw a shadow scurrying through the trees. Thinking it might be a rabbit, my favorite stew meat, I took aim and shot just as... your wolf ghost... zipped between my legs and See More jumped in front of the arrow. The arrow wound you healed in a matter of seconds, using the plasma you'd acquired from your ghostly state. However, the figure that was scampering through the bushes suddenly shot out. It was a deer - Tria - with green hooves. It butted me into the nearby pond, and seconds later it tied me with vines that seemed to come out of nowhere. I struggled to free myself, but only succeeded in sinking deeper into the pond. Just as my vision was getting cloudy at the edges, I spotted a dark, swirly sheet of something at the bottom of the pond. I managed to swim over and grab it. My hands blistered with the pain of the substance, but seeing as it could be my last hope, I enveloped myself in it and it wrapped itself around me, hugging me, stripping me of my skin. Soon, it replaced my skin, replaced it with its dark cloudiness. My blood went cold, and as I peered at myself in a passing bubble, I realized that tentacles sprouted from my head, and I had venom-filled claws. As I bared my teeth, I viewed fangs dripping with a purple liquid. Awed by my new form, I swam with a certain smoothness up to the surface, where I promptly stomped and was sent hurtling into the air. Worried that this would be my last experience before I died, I began flailing, and realized that I was forming an obsidian plain around me. I climbed on top of it, made some changes, and voila! I have this here ship.
Sarah: Okay! *runs over to Tria* Now what?
Dark Lord Saturn: I knew you'd come here one day or another!
Sarah: Oh no, Tria, run! It's a trap!
Dark Lord Saturn: She'll not be running any time soon.... Sarah!
Sarah: W-who are you?
Dark Lord Saturn: Faux Derek, obviously. After I killed you, I saw a shadow scurrying through the trees. Thinking it might be a rabbit, my favorite stew meat, I took aim and shot just as... your wolf ghost... zipped between my legs and See More jumped in front of the arrow. The arrow wound you healed in a matter of seconds, using the plasma you'd acquired from your ghostly state. However, the figure that was scampering through the bushes suddenly shot out. It was a deer - Tria - with green hooves. It butted me into the nearby pond, and seconds later it tied me with vines that seemed to come out of nowhere. I struggled to free myself, but only succeeded in sinking deeper into the pond. Just as my vision was getting cloudy at the edges, I spotted a dark, swirly sheet of something at the bottom of the pond. I managed to swim over and grab it. My hands blistered with the pain of the substance, but seeing as it could be my last hope, I enveloped myself in it and it wrapped itself around me, hugging me, stripping me of my skin. Soon, it replaced my skin, replaced it with its dark cloudiness. My blood went cold, and as I peered at myself in a passing bubble, I realized that tentacles sprouted from my head, and I had venom-filled claws. As I bared my teeth, I viewed fangs dripping with a purple liquid. Awed by my new form, I swam with a certain smoothness up to the surface, where I promptly stomped and was sent hurtling into the air. Worried that this would be my last experience before I died, I began flailing, and realized that I was forming an obsidian plain around me. I climbed on top of it, made some changes, and voila! I have this here ship.
on November 23, 2014

Tria: *shoots her vines up to the dark ball* Sarah, Scarlet, Tunnelle, Fenrir, Larkin, Zelandia, Chris, Cirno, Kylin, Hayley! Grab on!
Sarah: Okay! Everyone, follow my lead! It's now or never!
Sarah: It's a life or death situation. I think - I mean, we have to jump.
Tria: What? No! That's not what I had in mind! I was just... you know, bringing us up so we could attack Dark Lord Saturn!
Sarah: YEah, but "We have to jump!" sounds way cooler!!
Tria: See More Whatever, Sarah. This is no time for jokes and we could die any second now. So, grab on and we can attack him!
Sarah: Are you crazy? I'm not attacking that thing!
Tria: *gives Sarah an ominous look*
Sarah: *in weak voice* I mean... anything for you...
Tria: Good! We have water? Food? Supplies? Tunnelle?
Sarah: Check, check, check, and Tunnelle, get your tail out of the water right now and help us!
*Tunnelle obeys*
Tria: But maybe, Tunnelle, you could stay in the water and guard!
*Tunnelle obeys again*
Sarah: Here we go!
Tria: *they get on top of the ship* Guys! Use your elements to do this! We have to take this guy out as soon... as soon as you can. As we can. Because we're a team now, and we're not going to let anyone die alone. We use teamwork. Got it?
Everyone: Got it! Okay, mate! Yep! Sure! Let's do it! We can do this! I hear you!
Sarah: Okay! Everyone, follow my lead! It's now or never!
Sarah: It's a life or death situation. I think - I mean, we have to jump.
Tria: What? No! That's not what I had in mind! I was just... you know, bringing us up so we could attack Dark Lord Saturn!
Sarah: YEah, but "We have to jump!" sounds way cooler!!
Tria: See More Whatever, Sarah. This is no time for jokes and we could die any second now. So, grab on and we can attack him!
Sarah: Are you crazy? I'm not attacking that thing!
Tria: *gives Sarah an ominous look*
Sarah: *in weak voice* I mean... anything for you...
Tria: Good! We have water? Food? Supplies? Tunnelle?
Sarah: Check, check, check, and Tunnelle, get your tail out of the water right now and help us!
*Tunnelle obeys*
Tria: But maybe, Tunnelle, you could stay in the water and guard!
*Tunnelle obeys again*
Sarah: Here we go!
Tria: *they get on top of the ship* Guys! Use your elements to do this! We have to take this guy out as soon... as soon as you can. As we can. Because we're a team now, and we're not going to let anyone die alone. We use teamwork. Got it?
Everyone: Got it! Okay, mate! Yep! Sure! Let's do it! We can do this! I hear you!
on October 30, 2014

*Tria sees a dark ball in the sky*
Tria: SARAH!!!
Sarah: What?
Tria: Too late! Dark Lord Saturn is plotting revenge!
Sarah: What did we ever do to him?
Tria: *raises one eyebrow* You think he needs a reason? We're breathing, right? All he wants to do is kill, kill, kill!
Tria: SARAH!!!
Sarah: What?
Tria: Too late! Dark Lord Saturn is plotting revenge!
Sarah: What did we ever do to him?
Tria: *raises one eyebrow* You think he needs a reason? We're breathing, right? All he wants to do is kill, kill, kill!
on October 30, 2014

Tria: Guys! I just found a sapphire clock on the ground! It's counting down from 60! We have one minute!
Sarah: Before what?
Tria: Um.. I don't know!
Sarah: Before what?
Tria: Um.. I don't know!
on October 30, 2014

Name: Fenrir Darius
Type of creature: Fairy
Element: Night
Powers: The powers of the night.
Features: Can only take a large human size form at night.
Backstory: he wad born in a forest that was inhabited by mostly sun fairies. He was an outcast all of his life, so he travelled from place to place looking for a home.
Type of creature: Fairy
Element: Night
Powers: The powers of the night.
Features: Can only take a large human size form at night.
Backstory: he wad born in a forest that was inhabited by mostly sun fairies. He was an outcast all of his life, so he travelled from place to place looking for a home.
on October 07, 2014

Tria: Scarlet, Tunnelle, Sarah, Larkin, Zelandia, Chris, Cirno, Kylin, Hayley! Dark Lord Saturn is plotting revenge on us because our ancestors killed his father! We have to do something!
Sarah: What can we do?
Tria: I don't know, but we need to use our powers! I'll be the scout from above.
Sarah: I'll... um... watch...
Tria: Tunnelle, control the river that runs by Saturn's fortress! Kylin, use that fire power of yours to team with Cirno. Together, you'll be unstoppable! Hayley, See More use your Vulcan Wrath to your advantage and injure Saturn! Chris, tell your animal friends to help you fight. Zelandia, stock up on arrows. We can do this.
Sarah: What can we do?
Tria: I don't know, but we need to use our powers! I'll be the scout from above.
Sarah: I'll... um... watch...
Tria: Tunnelle, control the river that runs by Saturn's fortress! Kylin, use that fire power of yours to team with Cirno. Together, you'll be unstoppable! Hayley, See More use your Vulcan Wrath to your advantage and injure Saturn! Chris, tell your animal friends to help you fight. Zelandia, stock up on arrows. We can do this.

(Wait,my ocs still dosent know any of u,if u want to meet them,join FandomLover Elleyd and mine rp)
on October 03, 2014

on October 03, 2014

Hayley: Ruler of the Void. He killed the old ruler, Yaros, who was responsible for the death of my parents, and why I was confined in my home until I was 16. But back to Mosino, he's like Yaros in a way. They're both tall dragons, walk like humans, and their skin is made of burning fire.
on October 03, 2014
on October 03, 2014

Hey, I have to get off Qfeast for two weeks. My parents are making me due to my schoolwork.
on October 03, 2014

Type of creature:dragón girl
Powers:she can turn tyo a giant fire breathing dragón,can hipnotize and camuflage
Looks:ill post a pic
Backstory:her dad told her that When he die she would take his place by protecting the mountains of dragons
Also she has a body of a snake,with wings and eyes of dragon
Type of creature:dragón girl
Powers:she can turn tyo a giant fire breathing dragón,can hipnotize and camuflage
Looks:ill post a pic
Backstory:her dad told her that When he die she would take his place by protecting the mountains of dragons
Also she has a body of a snake,with wings and eyes of dragon
on October 03, 2014

Name: Larkin
Type of creature: Pegasus
Element: Sky
Powers: Controlling the weather, sleeping on clouds
Features: (picture)
Backstory: Larkin was separted from his normal home, and now wants to find itt.
Type of creature: Pegasus
Element: Sky
Powers: Controlling the weather, sleeping on clouds
Features: (picture)
Backstory: Larkin was separted from his normal home, and now wants to find itt.
on October 03, 2014

Starting Roleplay
(@TossedWisper4,@Elleyd,@DragonLance103,@Balletbear,@FandomLover or anybody else can join)
Zelandia:*she was walking with her brother and cirno searching a home to live since the humanos both era them again,cirno was flying a little tired and her brother was sooooo tired that he landed on the ground falling with his eyes closed,Zelandia notice this so she frowend*its no time for Náp,we still need to go search a house to live!
Chris:can we just burn There town?*said See More with a lazy tone still laying in the grasas with his eyes closed*
Cirno:we cant do that!there maybe just atacking us because they never seen somthing so incredible!
Zelandia:cirno can be right!so move your lazy as*!
(@TossedWisper4,@Elleyd,@DragonLance103,@Balletbear,@FandomLover or anybody else can join)
Zelandia:*she was walking with her brother and cirno searching a home to live since the humanos both era them again,cirno was flying a little tired and her brother was sooooo tired that he landed on the ground falling with his eyes closed,Zelandia notice this so she frowend*its no time for Náp,we still need to go search a house to live!
Chris:can we just burn There town?*said See More with a lazy tone still laying in the grasas with his eyes closed*
Cirno:we cant do that!there maybe just atacking us because they never seen somthing so incredible!
Zelandia:cirno can be right!so move your lazy as*!

Chris:it Looks late...
Cifno:*yawns*im going to sleep*goes to a cloud and sleeps there*
Chriis:*sleeps a side of a tree*
Zelandia:*jumps i. The tree and sleeps*
Cifno:*yawns*im going to sleep*goes to a cloud and sleeps there*
Chriis:*sleeps a side of a tree*
Zelandia:*jumps i. The tree and sleeps*
on October 05, 2014
on October 02, 2014

Tria: Chris! Oh, it's so good to see you again! Oh my gosh!
Sarah: Tria's got a boyfriend, Tria's got a boyfriend!
*Tria jabs Sarah*
Sarah: Tria's got a boyfriend, Tria's got a boyfriend!
*Tria jabs Sarah*
on October 02, 2014

Type of creature:ice fairy
Powers:she can turn to big or small size,she throws ice from the ground and her wings of ice can also throw ice by saying,YU-GO-HAI(yes Thats a crappy word)
Feuturs:ill post a pic
Backstory:she was lost in the woods,since she escapes where she was as she couldent control her powers,until she found 3 persons,they we rent SCARED of her,just amazed since they also have powers and was magical species,so they LET her to live with them,until See More people have brother them,so they r searching a home to live,so they dont be brother by humans
Type of creature:ice fairy
Powers:she can turn to big or small size,she throws ice from the ground and her wings of ice can also throw ice by saying,YU-GO-HAI(yes Thats a crappy word)
Feuturs:ill post a pic
Backstory:she was lost in the woods,since she escapes where she was as she couldent control her powers,until she found 3 persons,they we rent SCARED of her,just amazed since they also have powers and was magical species,so they LET her to live with them,until See More people have brother them,so they r searching a home to live,so they dont be brother by humans

Type of creature:elf
Element:nature and fire
Powers:he has the Power to heal,he can speak with animals,he can also Make a lizard dragón apear in his shoulder and help him to fight
Looks:ill post a pic See More
Backstory:SAME as her sister Zelandia
Type of creature:elf
Element:nature and fire
Powers:he has the Power to heal,he can speak with animals,he can also Make a lizard dragón apear in his shoulder and help him to fight
Looks:ill post a pic See More
Backstory:SAME as her sister Zelandia
on October 02, 2014

Type of creature:elf
Powers:she dosent have powers,but has abilitis,she good with arrows,kicking and jumping high
Feutures:ill post a pic See More
Backstory:she lived alone,since a group of humanos Came and killed her mom,his dad disapeard and her brother and her could escaped,until they found a home,since that day,the too of them WILL never give up and be strong ,but then again the humans Came and haded to move to other place with her brother and cirno
Type of creature:elf
Powers:she dosent have powers,but has abilitis,she good with arrows,kicking and jumping high
Feutures:ill post a pic See More
Backstory:she lived alone,since a group of humanos Came and killed her mom,his dad disapeard and her brother and her could escaped,until they found a home,since that day,the too of them WILL never give up and be strong ,but then again the humans Came and haded to move to other place with her brother and cirno
on October 02, 2014
on October 02, 2014