Art projects
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on October 09, 2015

Step one: draw a dot a bit further away from the center of the page but not too far
Step two: draw lines toward the dot. Make sure the lines touch the dot and the edge of the paper
Step three: draw upward curves from one line to another until you have gone all the way around the paper.
Step four: Color in the spaces with a color. Make sure to use See More a pattern of colors. Try to avoid doing two colors in a row.
Step five: Go over your pencil marks in a sharpie or black liner for the bolder effect.
Step one: draw a dot a bit further away from the center of the page but not too far
Step two: draw lines toward the dot. Make sure the lines touch the dot and the edge of the paper
Step three: draw upward curves from one line to another until you have gone all the way around the paper.
Step four: Color in the spaces with a color. Make sure to use See More a pattern of colors. Try to avoid doing two colors in a row.
Step five: Go over your pencil marks in a sharpie or black liner for the bolder effect.
on October 08, 2015