The Net Police Head Quarters
For anyone interested in keeping a calm and healthy qfeast society, please join the Net Police! Delete unkind posts, and report rude users! And if you like to settle thing diplomatic like, we can do that too! Anyone can join! A new leader will be elected every month. (Must be a member to join by sending a membership request) Current Police Chief: Reploid_Zero Please refer to story titled: "Net Police Handbook and Status"
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Fall in!

Hmmm. Let's check it out.
on February 16, 2015

Well, cards against humanity for one. There are some young kids on here and their parents do NOT want them seeing some of the posts on there! I think that page should be secret or profile, NOT public
on February 16, 2015

Alright! Please give me some names so I can check them out too.
on February 16, 2015

I'm going on to some pages that I consider shady and creating some polls to figure some stuff out, alright?
on February 16, 2015

*Salutes back*
on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

on February 16, 2015

Would anyone like to join?

on February 16, 2015
on February 16, 2015

I personally think this is a pretty good idea! Keep it up
on February 16, 2015

Umm... Not trying to be rude, but I think that's the responsibility of every person on the internet. To report anything inappropriate.
on February 15, 2015

on February 15, 2015