X-Men Role Play Page!!!
Choose a superpower and attend Xavier's school!!! You don't actually need to know or like the X-Men series to join! All you gotta do is know your superpower!!! Have fun!!!
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Name: Kaylene Aquahanna
X-Men Name: Haze
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Power: She can turn into mist and if she injects herself with poison (she's immune to all) she can poison you by making you inhale some of her (this does hurt her but it doesn't take much to kill you); also she can into various mist animals
Weakness: Being contained, claustrophobic areas
Family: Marie Aquahanna is her sister See More
Other relations: She has a boyfriend, Brent, but he's not a x-men so she can barely see him but she still loves him
Personality: She's not trusting and cynical but once you are her friend she is very loyal but don't get her mad cause she'll make you regret it
Brief backstory: She abandoned her home once she discovered she had powers; Magneto recruited her and she was bad for quite a while; while she was with Magneto she fell in love with Brent, another mutant who could make himself seem like someone you loved; Xavier soon captured her though and reunited her and her sister (she really did love her sister but she hated her parents so she had to leave); she still isn't a model citizen if you know what I mean and she doesn't much like people
Likes/ dislikes: Likes: Stroms and foggy weather and heights/ Dislikes: large bodies of water and small areas especially crowded ones
Extra information: She was a really good person until she found her parents were anti-mutant and that's when she went bad; a lot of people love her sister so they put up with her; she's bad because she feels unloved and abandoned
X-Men Name: Haze
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Power: She can turn into mist and if she injects herself with poison (she's immune to all) she can poison you by making you inhale some of her (this does hurt her but it doesn't take much to kill you); also she can into various mist animals
Weakness: Being contained, claustrophobic areas
Family: Marie Aquahanna is her sister See More
Other relations: She has a boyfriend, Brent, but he's not a x-men so she can barely see him but she still loves him
Personality: She's not trusting and cynical but once you are her friend she is very loyal but don't get her mad cause she'll make you regret it
Brief backstory: She abandoned her home once she discovered she had powers; Magneto recruited her and she was bad for quite a while; while she was with Magneto she fell in love with Brent, another mutant who could make himself seem like someone you loved; Xavier soon captured her though and reunited her and her sister (she really did love her sister but she hated her parents so she had to leave); she still isn't a model citizen if you know what I mean and she doesn't much like people
Likes/ dislikes: Likes: Stroms and foggy weather and heights/ Dislikes: large bodies of water and small areas especially crowded ones
Extra information: She was a really good person until she found her parents were anti-mutant and that's when she went bad; a lot of people love her sister so they put up with her; she's bad because she feels unloved and abandoned

Thanks one more thing she really likes smoking because it doesn't affect her (I DO NOT PROMOTE SMOKING ITS TERRIBLE NEVER DO IT IT JUST ADDS INTEREST TO THE CHARACTER THATS IT) she likes it because when she's sorta addicted to mist things
on May 29, 2014

on May 29, 2014
on May 29, 2014

Name: Terry Parker
Xman name: Devil
Gender: boy
Age: 17ish
Power: has black wings and highly developed senses
Weakness: He's very weak if he gets too hot, pretty girls XD
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: none
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) The Looking Glass's roommate, good friends with Uxie and likes to call her by her real name
Personality: teasing sometimes, but overall sweet and cool
Brief backstory: Grew up in an orphanage and never really had any friends. When his wings began to grow, he was kicked out and joined the school.
Likes/ dislikes: mornings, the cold, black, poetry/ being sad, strong scents, loud noises
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Xman name: Devil
Gender: boy
Age: 17ish
Power: has black wings and highly developed senses
Weakness: He's very weak if he gets too hot, pretty girls XD
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: none
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) The Looking Glass's roommate, good friends with Uxie and likes to call her by her real name
Personality: teasing sometimes, but overall sweet and cool
Brief backstory: Grew up in an orphanage and never really had any friends. When his wings began to grow, he was kicked out and joined the school.
Likes/ dislikes: mornings, the cold, black, poetry/ being sad, strong scents, loud noises
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)

Kaylene: Cool, I'm gonna go find a tree to climb.
Marie: Don't you have class?
Kaylene: Yea, so?
Marie: Uhhh....
Marie: Don't you have class?
Kaylene: Yea, so?
Marie: Uhhh....
on May 30, 2014

on May 30, 2014
on May 28, 2014

Name: Kacey Reed Xman name: Uxie
Gender: girl
Age: 15ish
Power: If people see her eyes, they forget stuff.... The longer they look, the more they forget. Sometimes, her eyes flash pink while someone's looking, this gives them complete amnesia
Weakness: Can't control her flashes, ALWAYS wears sunglasses so she has trouble seeing in dark areas
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.)
Family: Dead or with See More amnesia
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) She has a crush on the Looking Glass, they are also best friends
Personality: Um..........sorry.....can't explain......^.^U
Brief backstory: Her father is dead and she accidently gave her mom amnesia
Likes/ dislikes: dancing, singing, playing games, physical training/ killing, gore, idiots
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Name: Garry Tailor Xman name: The Looking Glass
Gender: boy
Age: 16ish
Power: can copy the exact appearance and abilities of someone who is looking at him.
Weakness: If the person he copied looks away, he instantly turns back to normal form. Also has trouble controlling their abilities.
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.)
Family: Unknown
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) best friends with Uxie
Personality: Likes to play pranks, helpful
Brief backstory: Lived on the streets
Likes/ dislikes: practical jokes, practicing his abilities, hanging with Uxie/ getting teased
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Gender: girl
Age: 15ish
Power: If people see her eyes, they forget stuff.... The longer they look, the more they forget. Sometimes, her eyes flash pink while someone's looking, this gives them complete amnesia
Weakness: Can't control her flashes, ALWAYS wears sunglasses so she has trouble seeing in dark areas
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.)
Family: Dead or with See More amnesia
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) She has a crush on the Looking Glass, they are also best friends
Personality: Um..........sorry.....can't explain......^.^U
Brief backstory: Her father is dead and she accidently gave her mom amnesia
Likes/ dislikes: dancing, singing, playing games, physical training/ killing, gore, idiots
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Name: Garry Tailor Xman name: The Looking Glass
Gender: boy
Age: 16ish
Power: can copy the exact appearance and abilities of someone who is looking at him.
Weakness: If the person he copied looks away, he instantly turns back to normal form. Also has trouble controlling their abilities.
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.)
Family: Unknown
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.) best friends with Uxie
Personality: Likes to play pranks, helpful
Brief backstory: Lived on the streets
Likes/ dislikes: practical jokes, practicing his abilities, hanging with Uxie/ getting teased
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
on May 26, 2014

"Kaylene! Kaylene!" A high and sweet southern voice called behind the hardcore girl. Marie bounded up behind Kay "Kay, guess what?"
"What, Marie?" Kay turned to her perky sister.
"I got an 100 on my practice test for the final!" She said holding up a paper.
"Good." Kaylene said with a small smile. "How were your other tests?"
"Good as always. Ooo, Ooo!" Marie called pointing.
"Use your words, Marie." Kaylene said with a sly smile.
"Look!" A group of girls were approaching. "Hi, See More guys!" Marie chirped waving.
"What, Marie?" Kay turned to her perky sister.
"I got an 100 on my practice test for the final!" She said holding up a paper.
"Good." Kaylene said with a small smile. "How were your other tests?"
"Good as always. Ooo, Ooo!" Marie called pointing.
"Use your words, Marie." Kaylene said with a sly smile.
"Look!" A group of girls were approaching. "Hi, See More guys!" Marie chirped waving.
on May 26, 2014

I don't really know X-men..
Name:Aria 'Crimson' Summers
Age: 18
Power: Fire (she can use as attack,defense and healing) and teleportation and shadows kinda
Weakness: Light
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: Her parents are dead..she has a thought dead brother named Auralis
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Personality: she can act tough but she's a good friend once she opens up I you.Not going to say much more
Brief backstory: when she was going her parents were murdered, ran away. Bla ba bla..
Likes: The night,drawing whilst sitting in or under a tree(it helps get we anger out, that and punching a punching bag) Fighting
Dislikes: Early mornings and annoying people..
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know) Aria has crimson red eyes but she wears blue contact lens and is a half demon so yeah..
This good?..
Name:Aria 'Crimson' Summers
Age: 18
Power: Fire (she can use as attack,defense and healing) and teleportation and shadows kinda
Weakness: Light
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: Her parents are dead..she has a thought dead brother named Auralis
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Personality: she can act tough but she's a good friend once she opens up I you.Not going to say much more
Brief backstory: when she was going her parents were murdered, ran away. Bla ba bla..
Likes: The night,drawing whilst sitting in or under a tree(it helps get we anger out, that and punching a punching bag) Fighting
Dislikes: Early mornings and annoying people..
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know) Aria has crimson red eyes but she wears blue contact lens and is a half demon so yeah..
This good?..
on May 26, 2014

Name: Marai Sayonara
Power:Control over dragons (yes they exist), firebender
Weakness: Extreme cold will put her internal flame out
Family:Died in a fire she created by accident when young
Other:Has an "it's complicated" relationship with another mutant who can control ice and snow See More
Personality: Passionate, energetic, reckless, savours life (because she has seen how quickly it can end)
Brief backstory:Doesn't talk about her past, wants to forget and move on
Likes:Heat, fire, cooking (especially spicy food)
Dislikes:cold, rain, snow,(English weather -_-) talking about backgrounds
Extra info:Oldest friend and closest to family are the dragons
Power:Control over dragons (yes they exist), firebender
Weakness: Extreme cold will put her internal flame out
Family:Died in a fire she created by accident when young
Other:Has an "it's complicated" relationship with another mutant who can control ice and snow See More
Personality: Passionate, energetic, reckless, savours life (because she has seen how quickly it can end)
Brief backstory:Doesn't talk about her past, wants to forget and move on
Likes:Heat, fire, cooking (especially spicy food)
Dislikes:cold, rain, snow,(English weather -_-) talking about backgrounds
Extra info:Oldest friend and closest to family are the dragons
on May 25, 2014

Name: Marie Aquahanna
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Power: She can turn anything into any state of matter and she can form a purple substance which she can control
Weakness: She is terrified of using her powers to a great extent because she usually liquefies things too far to fix
Family: A brother, Mark who has the power to morph people's memories
Other relations: she has many friends but is single and looking See More
Personality: Somewhat shy but very smart and creative
Brief backstory: She lived a perfectly normal life until she discovered her powers via melting half of her school. Her parents tried to kill her but luckily she was saved by Cyclops who brought her to Xavier Mansion.
Likes/ dislikes: she loves writing and photography. She hates math and low self-esteem.
Extra information: She is often considered a therapist and she will always help you when you need it.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Power: She can turn anything into any state of matter and she can form a purple substance which she can control
Weakness: She is terrified of using her powers to a great extent because she usually liquefies things too far to fix
Family: A brother, Mark who has the power to morph people's memories
Other relations: she has many friends but is single and looking See More
Personality: Somewhat shy but very smart and creative
Brief backstory: She lived a perfectly normal life until she discovered her powers via melting half of her school. Her parents tried to kill her but luckily she was saved by Cyclops who brought her to Xavier Mansion.
Likes/ dislikes: she loves writing and photography. She hates math and low self-esteem.
Extra information: She is often considered a therapist and she will always help you when you need it.

on May 26, 2014
on May 25, 2014

Please fill out this character form to start RPing:
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Brief backstory:
Likes/ dislikes:
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Thank you --- Your GM
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Brief backstory:
Likes/ dislikes:
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know)
Thank you --- Your GM
on May 25, 2014