Qfeast Awards!
Nominate a Qfeaster for a category(I'll post categories)and I'll make a poll and the one with the most votes wins that category and gets a trophy!
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

And the winner for funniest Qfeaster is.....@EveryonesSenpai!

Yassss!!! She totally deserved that. :D
on March 15, 2016

on March 15, 2016

on March 15, 2016
on March 15, 2016

Best page maker: @AlliceTeea
on March 15, 2016

One more category then I'm sleeping and this will continue tomorrow
on March 15, 2016

And the winner for most tired as f*ck awards host is......ME!
on March 15, 2016

tbh i really don't think i should win an award. I just want to see who wins one!
like, sort of Leonardo DiCaprio
like, sort of Leonardo DiCaprio
on March 15, 2016

And the winner for weirdest Qfeaster is......@LilGaster!
on March 15, 2016

Most active: Me! (I am actually)
on March 15, 2016

I can't tell if the golden statue is opening it's chest.....or holding some sort of herb...
on March 15, 2016

And the winner for sweetest Qfeaster is....@Rebel_Fangirl!
on March 15, 2016

No one else has called upon me.

on March 15, 2016
on March 15, 2016

I nominate for weird, crazy,awkward and etc. person: @fan_of_1D_5SOS because I am these stuff
on March 15, 2016
on March 15, 2016

Nomination for good person: @GlutenCat
on March 15, 2016

*sits on bench waiting to be called on*
on March 15, 2016

And the winner of most smart ass Qfeaster is.......@Parabolic!
on March 15, 2016