OC Death Battle (roleplay)
this is a RP page for RPers to pit each other's OCs against one another in a battle to the death but before the battles i wall ask for stats feats and weapons and abilities of each OC and i will try my best to determine who would win and don't worry if your OC loses a battle you're still not out as you can fight other OCs and might have a chance to win against them and i will make posts with the names of the OCs that will be fighting and i will not hold bias in any fight and that goes for mine as well
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

I mean, I've done 3 of these and they worked fairly well, they weren't perfect though. I'll say what I say to everyone else who has tried it.
Be fair, nd it'll go far.
Be unfair and it won't.
Good luck doh.
Be fair, nd it'll go far.
Be unfair and it won't.
Good luck doh.

thanks dude
on January 02, 2018
on December 31, 2017