South park
Fav character(s): Kenny, Eric, Craig, and Towelie +x+ Underrated: chef's parents +x+ fav child: Eric Cartman +x+ Fav parent: Randy Marsh +x+ least fav: cousin Kyle +x+ Fav line:,,Ya gonna break his legs, PC principle?" -Stan Marsh +x+ Fav song: Stop bullying

News feed spam warning

on August 28, 2023
on August 28, 2023

mom: *makes me clean my dirty room*
me: day is never finished😔 masa got me workin😒 someday masa set me FREeeEEEEEeE😭
me: day is never finished😔 masa got me workin😒 someday masa set me FREeeEEEEEeE😭
on August 27, 2023

blood warning:
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on August 27, 2023

on August 27, 2023

on August 27, 2023
i knew it was gonna b kenny & eric's mom bc y not 😭
blood warning ig
i knew it was gonna b kenny & eric's mom bc y not 😭
blood warning ig
on August 27, 2023 Ik i heard this b4 but it's still funny😂
on August 27, 2023

on August 27, 2023