This Tea
Qfeast Drama. ?☕️Controversial Posts?☕️ I live for drama. ?☕️?☕️? All T, All Shade. This is for indirects, anyone can use it.
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They said eyebrows. I want to interrupt so bad and just bask in the eyebrow glory.
on October 23, 2016

Holy fück. They are throwing around insults like two grandmothers. It's funny as hell. Some of the insults are funny, others could be better.
on October 23, 2016

The shade war going on on this page is petty. We all know who you're talking about, honey
(This goes for two people)
(This goes for two people)

/Yes/, and it's annoying and immature as FUCKK. Like, grow the hell up already PLEASE @breann.west.5
on October 24, 2016

on October 23, 2016
on October 23, 2016
@ A user
Lmao hon nobody likes you and your little sorry ass like nobody cares
Lmao hon nobody likes you and your little sorry ass like nobody cares
on October 23, 2016

on October 23, 2016

people like to start arguments with first im just calm but when they really get me mad i explode
on October 23, 2016

-Look, honey. We know that you had bad day but that's not a reason to be a jerk to my friends.
on October 23, 2016

-Telling somebody to kill themselves over a ship that you dislike is pretty rude.
on October 23, 2016

when i have changed and all ppl wanna think that no one can change like 'wtf is wrong with ya! UGH!"
on October 23, 2016

Sometimes I think of all those old troll accounts and remember who the saying "Don't feed the troll" has apparently never been uttered near a single qfeast user.
on October 23, 2016

When you post a selfie with the caption saying how ugly you are and get 9 comments talking about you're beautiful!!111! uwu
on October 23, 2016

Haha, remember how I used to be the only Anti-SJW user here and I was consistently told off but then when a couple of the more popular users become anti, everyone is preaching about equality. ?☕️
on October 23, 2016

Interesting how some Qfeast users like to whine about cyber bullying from other users then do the same thing the very next week. ?☕️
on October 23, 2016

Isn't it cute who every month or so Qfeast goes from one side of the political spectrum? ?☕️
on October 23, 2016