Pranksters United
Pranks ideas posted each week. Whether you are seeking revenge, April Fools jokes, Sibling rivalry, or just fun, Pranksters United IS the place to be.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Get a fog horn and put it behind a door so the next person who opens it will get a surprise!

on April 19, 2015
on April 19, 2015

Computer Prank: Right click, go into the drop-down menu and click on Screen Resolution. This opens a tab with another drop-down menu. Click that menus and set computer to Landscape(flipped). This makes the whole screen including mouse movements upside down.
on April 19, 2015

Easiest prank ever.
While no one is looking, put junk inside a friend's backpack.
My friend did that to my best friend on April Fools Day. :3
While no one is looking, put junk inside a friend's backpack.
My friend did that to my best friend on April Fools Day. :3
on April 19, 2015