what you looked like when you were young and what you look like Now!
what you looked like when you were young and what you look like Now!'s Photo: 17 / 23
Me Now..Mom doesn't have any of younger

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Comments (35)

Your kinda sorta the twin to my 16/17 year old cousin
on July 19, 2015

I wonder why i came to this page to look at your pic again :P

Not weird at all lol
on March 28, 2015
on March 28, 2015

Awesome pic ^.^

on March 04, 2015
on March 04, 2015

Awesome hair OuO *Touches it* beautiful ... XD

Ha thanks! I like it! It's fluffy!

on February 18, 2015

Nuuuuuu don't cut it! *Touches it again and has big adorable goo goo eyes* OuO
on February 18, 2015

on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

Juuuussttt smile a bit more
You would look better with a bigger smile :D
You would look better with a bigger smile :D
on February 18, 2015

I really like the picture! ^.^

on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

Same here @Matlen :D

Thank you :D

on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

I love your eyes and hair :)
on February 17, 2015

U look adorable!X3

on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015