That Moment When...
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Comments (11)

oml that is pet life in a nutshell
on October 08, 2020

hahaha! LET ME LOVE YOU! yeah i step on y cats tail sometimes so yeah...

Once i was running and accidently kicked my dog in the face and i was like OMG IM SO SORRY NO ARE YOU OKAY!?

Yeah, when I shot my cat I was like RIGHT in front of her and she was like MROOOWWW! Which I'm guessing meant, AWW @#%!!!
on December 17, 2014

i have shot my dogs with nerfs before but from a distance so it didn't hurt them...
i have shot my dogs with nerfs before but from a distance so it didn't hurt them...
on December 17, 2014

OH! HAHA! One time, I got a nerf gun for my birthday and i didn't have the target set up, so i was just shooting everywhere and I accidentally shot my cat! XD
on December 17, 2014
on December 17, 2014
on December 17, 2014

on December 15, 2014