Seg's page of randomness.
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Omg this is just like the Gravity Falls one I posted XDD
on December 22, 2016

Poor goldie


Glitch: ?
Goldie: Ummm.. Thanks for that... Thing that happened.
Glitch: *blushes and smiles* Ummm... Yeah. You're welcome.
Freddy: Ooooh.! There in love.!
Frederick: *chuckles* See More
Glitch: Shut up.
Goldie: Ummm.. Thanks for that... Thing that happened.
Glitch: *blushes and smiles* Ummm... Yeah. You're welcome.
Freddy: Ooooh.! There in love.!
Frederick: *chuckles* See More
Glitch: Shut up.
on December 22, 2016

Pc: what ever. Waiiiiitttt of they're free.... CRAP! *runs back to the office*
on December 22, 2016

on December 22, 2016

Glitch: *trips them over* Oops. *grabs Frederick and let Freddy fall down* You're welcome.
Frederick: *blushes*
Goldie: Thank you.
Frederick: *blushes*
Goldie: Thank you.
on December 22, 2016

Goldie: Oh god.!
Frederick (also T.Freddy): Please.!
Freddy: *singing* FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS!!!
Frederick (also T.Freddy): Please.!
Freddy: *singing* FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS!!!
on December 22, 2016
on December 22, 2016
on December 22, 2016
Toy Freddy is about to be squished (maybe) to death by Freddy.
And Golden Freddy is wanting the two off of him so badly.
(In my perspective)
Katty: *sets the two Freddy's down, noticing she got them a bit dizzy.* Oh, sorry about that, guys... *bows, then leaves.*
Glitch: What's going on.?
Me: Hey Glitch.
Katty: *comes in, wearing rollerskates.* Yes? Oooh. *sees what's going on, then rollerskates past them, grabbing Toy Freddy and Freddy and starts to carry them.* I will handle these two! *carrying the two by the stack, taking over Goldie's place and rollerskates around the building, might be making them nervous.*
Me: ....Oh...
Goldie: Please.! You're killing me.!